New MOD-ified Designs!
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
Today, I have a treat for you - new MOD-ified quilts!! If you’re new around here (welcome, we're so happy you found us!) you may be wondering what a MOD-ified quilt is.
The Webster's dictionary states; to make partial or minor changes to something, typically to improve it or to make it less extreme.
I look at my MOD-ified designs as a way to breathe new life into a pattern by changing the floral fabrics to solids.
In the following designs, I used two very popular Riley Blake Designs Basics; Kisses by Doodlebug Designs and Blossom by The Tattooed Quilter!...
You're the BEST - Thank You! (Embroidery Survey Results)
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my survey questions last week regarding hand embroidery.
Several of the questions we were in sync with each other but there were a couple questions where the response was a pleasant surprise. I am so glad I asked but even more thankful you answered; thank you!
Quick Side Note: I wanted to share the 2 versions of each of the Blooming Baskets (machine embroidery in the upper left corner and hand embroidery at the bottom of the picture). You cannot go wrong with either method!
Curious what the...
Sitting on the Fence, Needing Some (Embroidery) Guidance
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
Ladies, I need some guidance on something I know very little about - embroidery.
If you followed along during the last 2 Markets, you may have seen snippets of some gorgeous hooped embroidery baskets in my booth but very little mention of them since.
There's a reason . . . . the embroidery baskets were my sister, Theresa's, interpretation of my original appliqué Blooming Baskets. I asked if she'd interpret the appliqué baskets into embroidery and that's when everything happened that we didn't plan, expect or anticipate. People were over the moon ecstatic over them!
One particular company,...
Gem Stones: Two New Aspects to your New Favorite Fabric!
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
Today is all about Gem Stones! I know we have introduced Gem Stones here on the blog before but today I want to focus on two new aspects of the line you may not have noticed before...
First, the gradient aspect of the SKU's. Each piece in this 30 print collection is unique in that some SKU's fade from dark to light within the same color and other SKU's fade into a totally new color!!
Can you spot the pieces that change color in the photo above?...
Garden of Quilts 2019!
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
What a Week!!!
I spent last week in beautiful Utah for the Garden of Quilts and it exceeded all my expectations! I wanted to put up a blog post about what it was like for any of you who were not able to attend and want to come to the next one. I'm "hearing" it will be the SECOND weekend AFTER Labor Day 2020!!!
First of all, the GARDENS! Riley Blake Designs partnered with Thanksgiving Point and displayed over 1,000 quilts throughout the 55 acre gardens. It was STUNNING! These quilts were sent from makers all over the world and...