Please Help Me Name These Designs!

Posted by Gerri Robinson on

Gem Stones BRIGHTS is in the house and some of you have already noticed and made a purchase - thank you!

Would you believe that (5) prints are already SOLD OUT and getting reprinted?  WOW!!  Thank you so much!  You guys are loving those BRIGHTS!

In celebration of the arrival of our Gem Stone BRIGHTS, we have (5) FREE patterns designed exclusively using the Gem Stone BRIGHTS and our Triangle-in-a-Square tool.

Would you believe me if I told you each of the (5) below designs are created by making (1) single element?  That's right!  A Triangle-in-a-Square is the ONLY element used to create these (5) fun designs!

I must have used all my creativity in designing these quilts because when it came time to name them -  I was creatively drained!

Design 1, Design 2, Design 3 etc isn't very exciting isn't it? - that's where I need YOUR HELP!!  Please help me name these designs!  Are you game?

Check out Design 1:

 Design 1 is happy and fun and kind of star like.  Any name suggestions?

Check out Design 2:

Design 2 has elements of Design 1 with the addition of elongated diamond "chains" or "strings" of diamonds.  Does that conjure up any name ideas?

Here's Design 3:

Design wise, Design 3 reminds me of a scissor lift but how fun and exciting is that for a quilt name with such a gorgeous "rainbow" coloring?  See why I'm asking for help?  

Design 4 has a case of the "wiggles".  How's that for a name?  Not bad, but I think there might be a better name from you guys.  Thoughts?

Last but not least, Design 5:

Design 5 is truly a SAMPLER of all the elements in Designs 1 - 4.  Can you recognize each of the elements found in the previous 4 designs?

Any thoughts?  Ideas?  Names?  I'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions!

As mentioned above, all (5) designs are FREE and can be found on my website here!  Simply click on the quilt for the PDF pattern, print and enjoy!

Please note:  You will need my Triangle-in-a-Square tool to make each of these designs.  If you don't currently own one, you can purchase the tool here!

Happy Quilting!





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  • 1. Star Light
    2. Path to the Stars
    3. Refracted Lights
    4. Prism Lights
    5. Kaleidoscope Lights

    Karen Trame on
  • Design 1 – Stellar
    Design 2 – Fiesta (it reminds me of a party)
    Design 3 – ?
    Design 4 – Serpentine
    Design 5 – Twist & Shout

    Casey on
  • Gerri, I can empathize with drawing a blank for your newest quilt names & in my quilt group, we often pick a name that incorporates the name of a quilt block used. In this case, this doesn’t work…. but I thought I would use your impressions to inspire me. So, you can see if any of these work for you: 1) Endless Stars; 2) Starry Diamonds; 3) Lifted Rainbow; 4) Light Waves (like a prism); 5) Emerald Chains (change to reflect the main chain color). I have to add: my own first impression on #3 was Oscillations (like the repeated patterns for tv signals). I hope these help get the juices flowing again!

    Karen W on
  • = Bright Stars = Diamond Chains = Bright Pearls = Bright Switchback = Diamonds And Pearls
    Lovely designs with those colours!
    Brenda on
  • Nice inventions on the TIAS rulers!
    I like the way your designs build, each one continuing the previous design, yet adding another feature. Gem Stones Brights really shine in these stars and affiliated shapes.

    Peggy True on

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