Our Quilt Designs as WEARABLES!!!
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
Last week I shared how Criss Cross Stars was TWO Designs in ONE Pattern and then through some Flying Geese trimming became a THIRD Design. You can read all about it here!
Well, would you believe you can now WEAR Criss Cross Stars, Starlights, Flutter and so many more as WEARABLES?! That's right!

It's a neck gator (above) or

a head band (above) or

a beautiful face protector (above)!
My dear friend, Kim of Zappy Dots, is the creative force behind this idea.

There's Flutter in Gem Stones Brights (below)

or Celine (below) in the original Gem Stones fabrics PERFECT for a splash of wearable Fall color!

Interested in something a little more subtle? We've got you covered with several of our earth tone or skin tone Gem Stones (below):

Check out all the other Planted Seed Designs you can now WEAR right here!
Kim, thank you for your vision and the opportunity to have my quilt designs and fabrics as wearables!
Again, you can shop ALL Planted Seed Designs Zappy Dots wearable designs here!
Very cool idea !! They are quite pretty.