Gem Stones Rolie Polie Strip Quilt Tutorial
Posted by Gerri Robinson on
Happy New Year!
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind us, we have the perfect simple project to ease you back into sewing. It's sew simple, you'll have it sewn up in no time - the Gem Stones Rolie Polie Strip Quilt!
This project was actually inspired by my Gem Stones Lookbook! One of the pages includes a 'strip' of each of the colors to showcase the skews. After seeing it in the lookbook I thought- why not make it into a quilt?! This project came together in literally 2 hours (less if you use a Gem Stones Rolie Polie and it is super beginner friendly! This quilt finishes at 40 x 60.
So, let's dive in to the tutorial- follow along below for a step by step guide to make your very own Gem Stones Rolie Polie Strip Quilt:
Materials List:
Fabric: (30) 2 1/2" by WOF strips OR 1 Gem Stones Rolie Polie Pre-cut for top, 3 yards for backing, 1/2 yard for binding or, if using the Gem Stones Role Polie you will have extra strips to use and will not need additional binding yardage.
Tools: Rotary cutter, ruler, cutting mat, Iron and pressing mat, straight pins, sewing machine, thread, and scissors.

There you go! You now have a lovely and easy new quilt!
Looking for another whip-up project?? Just like you, time was running short on making my Christmas presents for my family but I wasn't going to let it get me down! Guess what I did? I cut 3 yards of my 108" wide fabric (for the top) PLUS Minky/Cuddle for the backing, quilted and bound it and ta-dah!! A gorgeous quilt for each of my daughter-in-laws! They absolutely LOVED their quilts and it took me little to no time at all. My one daughter in law even commented that it reminded her of the ever popular "weighted" blankets.
I highly encourage you to try it! We have some incredibly beautiful 108" wide backs that are to die for!
Cheers to 2020! We have so much in store for you this year!
Hi Jane!
We never offered a kit for the Gem Stones Rolie Polie Strip Quilt but rather a link to our website to the Gem Stones Rolie Polie. The quilt finishes at 40″ × 60″.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.
Are there still any kits for this quilt available? Also, can you please tell me the final finished size of this quilt? Thanks so much!
I love this fabric and just couldn’t figure out the perfect project-simple and exquisite display of its characters ❣️👍🏻
Hi Joan Emery!
Thank you for your interest in the Gem Stone Rolie Polie Strip Quilt.
The Gem Stone Rolie Polie is $39.95 (includes enough strips for a scrappy binding) and you’ll need 3 yards for the backing which will be $35.70 (3 yds at $11.90 yd).
You can purchase both on my website Click on SHOP in the top menu bar, click on Gem Stone Pre-Cuts and Gem Stone Fabrics.
Please let me know if there are any other questions I can answer for you. Thank you!
Gerri Robinson
Planted Seed Designs
I love the Fabric Stripes. How much is the Fabric, backing and the binding?
The Rollie Polie Strip Quilt is a beauty. My name is JOAN Emory, I live in Medina, OH. 44256. Thanks, JOAN.